Saturday 17 March 2012

Kindle Publishing: A Journey of Discovery (Part 2)

So in Part 1, (over here) I discussed what it was like getting my story ready to put it up for sale. Now let's discuss what happened afterwards.

As I said before, I put it up with no intentions of advertising the book in any way. I didn't really expect anyone to buy it at all because of this, so I was surprised in the first week that it actually managed to sell 5 copies. Doesn't sound like much (and at a royalty of 35c for each book, it really wasn't :D )but it was still entertaining to see.

Friday 9 March 2012

Kindle Publishing: A Journey of Discovery (Part 1)

So about a month and a half ago I decided I would have a go at seeing how the whole ebook publishing thing works on I read a couple of things on the Internet about it but quickly decided the best way to go about it would be to dive in myself and just see how it all works. 

Of course first of all I needed something to publish. I was (and still am) trying to focus all my creative time and energies into the book I'm writing at the moment so I didn't really want to wait to finish that in order to try and publish (it might take a while...). I then decided the best course of action would be to use a short story I had lying around from the creative writing course I did last year. It's a bit of a zombie story and I figured they're pretty popular these days, and it would suit my purposes nicely.

Sunday 4 March 2012

I swear this blog isn't dead really...

Hello again!

Wow, almost a month without an update. It all started out so promising...

No excuses really, I just haven't had much time to write. The work I've been doing has recently moved further away so I now have an hour travel before I start work, and an hour travel back afterwards. Between that and working some slightly longer days, it's been pretty tiring for the last few weeks. It's been a struggle to write anything in the evenings when I get home, because when you factor in dinner, showering, preparing lunch for the next day, and just general tiredness it's hard to get motivated to do much, so the huge amount of productivity I had during December and January has diminished somewhat. What little time I have had to write has been spent working on the novel, rather than keeping this place up to date.

On the plus side though, it's looking like as of the end of this week, I'll be back to working somewhere a lot nearer to here than I have been, so hopefully wont have to keep getting up at 5 a.m. (Seriously, what straight-thinking person thought it was a good idea to invent a 5 AM ?).

But enough of that, it's time to get back to business around here. I will post again soon, probably about an interesting experiment I ran with Kindle publishing and an old short story.

Long days and pleasant nights,
